Bulungula is a community-owned eco-lodge located on a 0.5 ha property in the Eastern Cape region of South Africa.
The lodge is a fair trade certified, affordable, multi-night destination for backpackers and cultural wanderers of this Earth.
Bulungula sustains local culture and the planet, and is 100% owned and managed by the vibrant, traditional Nqileni village, a Xhosa community.
Conservation & Community Highlights:
- Award winning Bulungula Incubator – an NGO that was birthed from the Bulungula Lodge which provides a wide range of Education, Health and Sustainable Livelihoods projects in the surrounding communities
- Solar panel installation on the lodge since 2004
- Installation of a 3-pond filtration system to recycle grey water
- Tree planting to mitigate carbon emissions
- Compost toillets since 2004
Future Aims:
- Add practical artisanal skills training at our local school (e.g. carpentry, plumbing)
- Change the lodge shuttle to an electric vehicle charged by solar panels to reduce CO2 emissions
- Expand the solar energy system
Images provided.