Terms and Conditions

1) Ownership and liability

  • The PLCnetwork, its website, its logo and branding, its concept and approach, as well as all directly offered services and activities are intellectual property of and managed by J BAUMCONSULT (PTY) LTD.
  • J BAUMCONSULT (PTY) LTD is operating under the following business details: Registration number 2016/417647/07; Tax number 9339850183. 
  • Participation in the network, our platform and all related services and activities is entirely voluntary; J BAUMCONSULT does not take liability for any damage or harm caused. Participants are solely responsible for their own actions and are urged to behave in good faith.


2) Content and copyright

  • All content (e.g. images and texts) falls under the copyright of our team; unless authorship and copyright is stated otherwise.
  • Our team does create and manage content to our best ability and knowledge, however, we are not liable for any mistakes and damage or harm caused.
  • Content as directly created by our team and network members or participants may be shared or referred to, however, only in unmodified form respecting copyright and providing accurate reference. No content shall be used in a modified form, unless agreed upon (please contact us for an arrangement).


3) Membership and confidentiality

  • Membership in our network and on our platform is entirely voluntary, participants are solely responsible for their own action.
  • Membership activation or deactivation is striclty subject at all times to the evaluation and decision by our team to our best ability and knowledge in order to try prevent any misusage and harm for any parties involved.
  • Conditions, fees, procedures and offers relating to membership and advertisment listings are set out in a separate detailed description.
  • The confirmation and act of having a profile loaded serves as consent to these terms & conditions. Member data will be treated with confidentiality to the best of our ability and will not be shared with any other party, unless agreed upon.


4) Advertisement listings

  • Members and external participants may request to have an advertisement listed on our Notice Board.
  • Requests will be evaluated according to suitability and relevance to our members, clients, the conservation sector and the public.
  • Ads will represent, among others: Job postings, Research opportunities, Volunteering opportunities, Services provided by experts or organizations, Offers provided by members, Study and training opportunities. Content is evaluated and published strictly based on decision by our team.


5) Public participation

  • Any member of the public is welcome to send us content suggestions via the provided email address. However, we do not guarantee that the suggested content will be used or published. Content is evaluated and used or published strictly based on decision by our team.
  • Any member of the public is welcome to sign up for our newsletter via the provided link.
  • Any member of the public is welcome to connect with us via our Social Media channels. Our content may be shared or used as set out in Section 2.